Friday 30 March 2012

Syntax promotional poster

A HU, exhibition poster development

I am incorporating the element of split and grids within the design as the work that she would be showcasing involves the split within the painting and seem to be quite neat.

Thursday 29 March 2012

more yearbook covers,

still working on the fragmented/broken feel,

the idea of having some of the text off the page, it was discussed they were looking into ways of incorporating the broken effect, even if it was a subtle thing like taking a corner off etc...

print and prep for yearbook hand in,

Book covers,

I got 6 of the same book out of the library

I had to trim the covers a tiny bit so they could fit the books perfectly, this didn't cause any problem apart from I noticed the 'one flew over the cuckoo's nest' spine text was a bit too far to the left. 

Magazine covers -
I bought a magazine that fitted the larger/real scale magazine, however the other 5 I printed on a smaller scale for printing costs, and they are too small to mock up. The yearbook team said this isn't a problem,