Wednesday 9 May 2012

One flew over the cuckoo's nest - book mark

Bookmarks for One flew over the cuckoo's nest.

Again, similar with the diary, I want to keep the design simple and relate well with the cover.

I actually like the design without a blue strip on it, I feel with the blue strip that is on the actually cover, another strip may be too much??

Maybe block colour blue on the other side?? just so that that colour can be incorporated somehow.

I wouldnt want anything else on the bookmark (barcode, price etc) they would be printed on a sticker that would then be stuck onto it. 

I'm not sure how I should be collecting these books. I know theyre not going to be in a box set. They will be sold together, but the main launch is for cuckoo's nest. Should there be bookmarks for the other books? 

Bookmarks for the other books:

I was thinking about whether the name of the book should be on the bookmark, however I don't think I want it on there. I feel it's self-explanatory if bought with a book, if not they work nicely as just imagery that acts as a bookmark.