Friday 4 May 2012


I have readjusted the size of the covers slightly to give me more room when making the package.

I am printing less of stuff just incase it goes wrong or needs to be changed and printed again. 

Final adjustments/design decisions:

Syntax gig poster:

I am printing a black and white version of the poster. 
I have asked people how they read the poster, they said that the background image shouldn't be so harshly covered up, so I have made the type smaller and into the two corners. 

I've added a slight grey to the white poster, to bring it out slightly so it isn't just on white. 


TP fold out poster adjusted slightly. Making the type smaller in the bottom left. 


Roll fold out posters

added few issue details on the poster, however typeface is small so shouldn't intrude on the poster. 


Syntax cd covers- 

Improving typeface size and enlarging the kerning on the text at the back. I also made the barcode bigger. 

(too small)



I have struggled with typeface with this brief, as I wanted to use something quite classic. 
Minion Pro - Goudy Old Style
I like it's crispness but still looks like quite a classic serif.