Tuesday 1 May 2012

Post Lorenzo mini cirt,

A really good crit. 

- overall comments on my brief was summarising the story that goes with them. I have all of the design work sorted, I now just need to picture how the brief sits within a story. How can I finish them effectively.

(e.g context/mock ups/ events etc)

We chatted about possible ideas relating to this, i.e packaging roll magazine, book covers context, not necessarily have to be within Waterstones, but if it were in any book store. More about the idea.

- DC book - good advice, perhaps categorising my book through the subjects as appose to the products (film, tv, book , music) . Also, perhaps to make it seem more like a 'scrap book', leave blank pages to annotate myself. Produce the cover myself etc...

- All of the briefs were substantial enough. Don't want to fall at the last hurdle.
