Friday 18 May 2012

roll packaging,

I have had an idea to how I should package roll. I want to use classic brown paper, as I feel it compliments the magazine's photography and colour elements that are in the logo.

However I did decide that I want to include something that makes each magazine unique, THE COLOUR OF THE LOGO.

I thought that for protection reasons and also decorative, I could use coloured tissue paper that would wrap the magazine up, within the envelope.

The colour would relate to the magazine,
in this case,

I think the brownish colour, and the white (or whatever colour for the logo) compliments the magazine.

I found this in the studio, 

I had been researching envelopes but thought this more sturdy package would work better. Unfortunately it's too battered to use, but I could use the net. 

I chose stone coloured mount board, it's sturdy enough to hopefully fold but not too much of a replicate of the package I found. It also has that brown colour I like.

It folded perfectly and didn't rip which was really good!!

WHAT. For some reason, when I folded the two flaps that would hold the poster in, it ripped quite a lot. I will have to edit this out in my photographs.

It fits nicely into it, When I photograph it, I will add a logo onto the image. The fold out poster would be in the bit on the right side.